Congratulations on your appointment as MD of Ricoh. What is your strategy like for the first 100 days?
My first 100 days coincides with our company’s new financial year. It is only natural to cascade down the regional and local business strategies to all the employees, align all their new year’s KPI (key performance indicator) target and do the necessary preparation to deploy all plans set. At the same time, to also visit our business partners.
You held the position of chief operating officer last year. How do you feel that will help you in your new position?
It has certainly helped. As COO last year, I had already started to lead the organisation as a whole. My director gave me a free hand to run the local operations.
What are your short-term goals?
To promote digitalisation to the market through Ricoh products and services.
And your long-term objectives?
To build up our ITS (IT services) business and to grow Ricoh Malaysia.
What was your original ambition in life?
To be successful in my career and family life.
You are the first woman to be named MD of Ricoh Malaysia. How much more do you think can be done to achieve gender parity in Malaysia?
Assess the performance of employees based on merit, regardless of gender, and provide encouragement and motivation to female employees who are willing to commit in their respective job functions and give them an equal chance of promotion and reward.
What have been the best business lessons you have learnt in the course of your career?
Always reflect.
How do you restore peace when chaos strikes?
Calm down and understand the root cause of the problem or issue, explore various alternatives of resolution by involving a few relevant parties and always try to have a win-win conclusion. Communication and understanding of the case are very important elements.
What are your favourite ways to unwind after a hard day’s work?
Hit the gym!
What are you reading right now?
Blue Ocean Shift.
How do you like to spend your weekend?
Spending time with my family for outings and dining together.
This interview first appeared on May 14, 2018 in The Edge Malaysia.