Shiatzy Chen releases Resort 2022 collection inspired by artist Chang Shu-Fen's floral paintings Style September 30, 2021 The collection not only offers garments threaded with intricate embroidery technique but also limited-edition silk scarves.
Emerging designer Jessica Chang from Taiwan wins Redress Design Award 2021 Style September 29, 2021 Fashion designers activate local circular economies as global competition fights textile waste.
Edunity Foundation seeks solutions to Malaysia’s education challenges on BFM Radio webinars People September 22, 2021 Now more than ever, we need to accelerate reform for a major overhaul.
The Pattern astrology app offers hyper-personalised insights about your personality as opposed to forecasts Machines August 29, 2021 An in-depth blueprint of your life can now be accessed digitally.
Bioacoustics technology amplifies the call to protect our Bornean wildlife and biodiversity Machines August 18, 2021 The team behind SAFE Acoustics predicts ecosystem health at a much faster rate by studying animal sounds.
Singer-songwriter Yuna is the face of digital payment solution myIOU People August 16, 2021 The Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) service aims to support struggling entrepreneurs during the pandemic.
Ferrari revs up its game with the new 296 GTB Machines July 29, 2021 It's the latest evolution of Maranello’s two-seater with a mid-rear engine.
Mental health sites and apps to tide you through this pandemic People July 28, 2021 Mental health should be treated as seriously as containing the coronavirus.
New Seiko Presage watch features Studio Ghibli’s maiden production 'Castle in the Sky' Watches July 25, 2021 Fantasy made real.
5 virtual exhibitions that pay tribute to cultural heritage and national identity Culture July 16, 2021 These exhibitions feature art that are significant expressions of their nation.