Note from the editor, Diana Khoo:
There is no feeling more unsettling or unwelcome than uncertainty. When we readied the last issue of Haven for print, the rumble of Covid-19 was still a world away — a pandemic we thought was confined to a few countries in North Asia and that we hoped would pass us by. How wrong we were.
Who would have foreseen that much of our Summer 2020 issue would have to be produced remotely? For this, I am eternally grateful to our talented team: from our stylist extraordinaire to our writers and photographers, each and every one made magic with limited access to content and resources.
For many of us who had precious little time before to spend in our abode, the past few months have been revolutionary, challenging, marvellous and terrifying. Sure, uncertainty prevails, but if there is one thing we have learnt, it is that going back to the basics is no bad thing and home can truly be where the heart is. In this vein, we have featured a variety of stories that we hope will delight and inspire.
Beautiful homes are par for the course, and we have also compiled a list of 50 clever ideas to help make life in the new normal so much more pleasurable, among many other reads.
Think about this the next time you choose a book from a well-stocked shelf, put on music by a cherished player or admire a work of art on the wall. For most of us, there is already so much to delight the senses when cloistered within our walls. Who knows? Being deprived of the freedom to explore the world could help you revel in what is already in your life — and home.
To better, brighter and more beautiful days ahead for everybody. And, above all, stay safe.
Haven is complimentary with every copy of The Edge Malaysia (June 1 issue). Get the Summer 2020 edition at your nearest newsstands now.